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About Ruminations

A number of titles for this page were given consideration. “Field Notes” and “Photo Blog” were among them. I am too embarrassed to mention some of the others. “Field Notes” was dismissed because, while that area may provide most of the content, I don’t wish to limit myself unduly. “Photo Blog” was likewise eliminated; that name is already overused and “blog” to me has become just another four letter word.

“Ruminations” connotes chewing things over because, well, that’s what ruminants do. I have forgotten who came up with the term “mental mastication” (i.e. chewing gum mentally) but that’s pretty much what I plan to do here. Truth Seekers should seek elsewhere for nothing contained herein is purported to be “The Truth”. My editorial policy is as follows:

“I have in it communicated such notions as I have gathered, either from the reading of Several Authors, or by conferring sometimes with Country People; to which I have added some Observations of mine Owne, never before published: Most of which are true, and if there be any that are not so, yet are they pleasant.”

William Coles, The Art of Simpling, 1656

[Unless disclosed in a specific article, I have no affiliation with any of the providers of the services or products described in the following articles and I have received no consideration whatsoever by same. The opinions expressed are exclusively mine.]

photography for the soul

I have a Kindle book entitled, “photogtraphy for the soul,” which is for sale at $4.99 in the Kindle Store. Here is the direct link: